Family frontiers: gendered strategies of resistance to risks of cross-borderness in the emotional culture of mobile parenthing
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cross-border parenting, Ukrainian labour migration, cross-border mothering, cross-border fathering, transnational family, emotional risks, emotional capital, gendered strategies of resistance, emotional culture of mobile parenting

How to Cite

1. Толстокорова А. Family frontiers: gendered strategies of resistance to risks of cross-borderness in the emotional culture of mobile parenthing // Journal of Frontier Studies. 2018. № 1. C. 47-67.


The paper sets out to identify and analyze in gender terms the gender-specific strategies of resistance to psycho-emotional risks of cross-borderness by labour migrants, having Ukrainian transnational families as the case in point. It develops the theory of emotional culture of mobile parenting offered in author’s earlier works. The paper draws on the results of a field research. The analytical instrument used for the research of strategies of resistance to psycho-emotional challenges of cross-border family relationships the paper employs the theory of “care circulation”. Departing from this interpretative framework the paper identifies 5 gender-specific strategies of resistance to psycho-emotional risks of cross-borderness used by Ukrainian migrant mothers a fathers. Migrant mothers resort to th following strategies of resistance: “children's best interests” as an instrument resistance and the strategy of intensification of motherhood which operate withing the care regime of increasing care. Migrant fathers use a greater variety of strategies, starting from a strategy of supporting stable emotional contacts with families which operates within the care regime of efficient care circulation, to the strategy of compensation of emotional deficit of lonely fathers, which works by means of increasing care circulation regime and ending with the strategy of reversal of emotional family ties within the care regime of decline or reduction of care circulation.
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