The article explores the processes of formation and development of ethnic self-organization, using the examples of three groups – Russians in Kazakhstan, Kazakhs in Russia, and Germans in both Russia and Kazakhstan – who found themselves in diasporas following the dissolution of their previously unified state. On the one hand, these groups hold diaspora status, while on the other, Russians and Kazakhs are state-forming entities in their respective neighboring nations. This unique situation allows for a detailed examination of these peoples’ statutes, their places, and their roles in the implementation of national policy. The article seeks to address the peculiarities of ethnicity institutionalization in both the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan. Each ethnic group under study has its own developed form of self-organization, influenced mainly by demographic conditions, legal frameworks, and support from their homeland. Changes in the size of ethnic groups and the emergence of state borders spurred the creation of ethnic organizations on both sides of the border. Although these organizations initially pursued largely political goals, their primary focus today is on preserving language and culture – issues that remain of utmost importance to ethnic communities. Over the past 30 years, both states have built institutions and systems of legal regulation for ethnic self-organization and developed strategies to support Russians, Kazakhs, and Germans living abroad.
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