The article reveals the features of North Caucasian everyday life in the first half of the 19th century and the fate of people who suffered from the raids of the highlanders. The main attention is paid to the consequences of the destruction of families as a result of the loss of one of the spouses who was captured. The practice of entering into a new marriage and the attitudes of the Church to allowing a second wedding is shown. Based on the materials identified and first introduced into scientific circulation, the process of verifying the information presented in the petition for the conclusion of a new union, and the final result of such a procedure, is demonstrated. Participants in such proceedings included both men who had lost their wives and women who had forfeited their spouses and lost hope of their return from captivity in the mountains.
The fate of children who found themselves in a foreign ethnic environment and over time left out their former national and religious identity is presented. Once acculturated, they often remained among their captors, adopting their lifestyle and mental attitudes. There were also examples of returning to one’s cultural roots, including in matters of faith.
Religious affiliation was considered as the most important element of a person’s self-identification. The Church sought to preserve its flock and in this it found support from the official authorities.
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