The article continues the analysis of the perception of space in Russian culture begun in the previous issue of the Journal. The focus of the first part was on the perception of frontier space, generating the feelings of uncertainty, sadness, longing, alternating with rebellion, aggression and desire to leave the unwanted space. All this found its reflection in a kind of litanies, in which the heros bemoan their tragic fate. In the second part our attention is paid to the different paradigm of frontier space perception, generated by the official propaganda in the Soviet Union, that was supposed to create a positive attitude in the perception of this space. Although the origins of this must be sought in the 30-ies of XX century, it was highlighted in the 60-ies..
The active development of Siberia, the Virgin Lands (Tselina) of Kazakhstan required that huge amounts of the population should participate in these large-scale events. The pathos of new land development is reflected in all areas of artistic culture, which, in turn, generated a warm response in the minds of the Soviet people, who were ready to follow the call of their hearts and the government and to go to distant lands, to endure hardships, but to create a new bright future. In the Soviet discourse on the development of frontier space two motives are evident: the romanticism of a pioneer (a geologist, a polar explorer, an explorer of new lands) and the celebration of the construction of a new ideal city. However, we should understand that the second motif is a continuation of the biblical tradition associated with the desire to "recreate" the perfect city – "New Jerusalem", "the city of Eden". And although some of the works with a similar theme were done according to the order of the government, there were little hypocrisy in them, as they were created by authors, who themselves were the bearers of such ideas. They found a response among broad masses of people for whom these ideas have not lost their relevance despite the replacement of religious ideas by socio-political constructs of the era of socialism.
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