The study of charity in the Russian Empire has an extensive historiography. The specifics of its implementation in various ethnic groups are often beyond the scope of the study. The purpose of this research is to identify German charitable organizations that have become the elements of the civil society that has been formed in the capital. New forms of unification of citizens and colonists became one of the manifestations of modernization, which was later adopted by other groups of metropolitan residents. The basis of this research is made up of various types of published and archival sources, some of which are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. German charitable organizations have existed in St. Petersburg since the 1770s. Initially, they arose at parish churches and had religious orientation. Since the 1860s, German artisans and colonists initiated creation of funeral registers, which have been widely distributed throughout Russia since the 1880s. Being independent of the state, charitable organizations and mutual aid societies became an important indicator of the modernization of Russian society in the 19th and early 20th century. The article is intended for specialists and anyone interested in the social history and history of Russian Germans.
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