The analysis of ethnodemographic processes is relevant not only because of the negative demographic trends growing in the regions of Asian Russia, but also in connection with Russia’s turn to the East. The authors of the article give a detailed description of the modern ethnic composition of the population in the regions of the Ural, Siberian, and Far Eastern Federal Districts of the Russian Federation and the regions bordering them, those of Kazakhstan, China, and Mongolia. The object of the study were Russians, Kazakhs, Tuvinians, Mongols, and Chinese. Special attention is paid to the analysis of their number and location, and the identification of factors and consequences of changes in the ethnic composition of the population. A definitive feature of the border regions is the high proportion and absolute number of those peoples who make up the majority of the population of neighboring States. At the same time, the demographic behavior of the peoples living on different sides of the border differs. In studying the ethnodemographic processes, the increasing demographic asymmetry between the regions of Russia and neighboring states causes the greatest attention and certain concern. In the regions of the Asian part of Russia, the total population is decreasing, largely due to Russians who have a predominant model of reproduction of the population with a low birth rate and relatively high mortality. Kazakhs, Buryats, and Tuvinians in Russia are characterized by stable numbers and reproduction, although there is a tendency to decrease the birth rate. In the border areas of Kazakhstan, the tendency towards a decrease in the number of the Russian population and its replacement by a titular nationality does not weaken.
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