The foodscape is a set of practices related to the production, processing and consumption of food. On the one hand, it is quite conservative, but on the other hand, it is most susceptible to change. In some cases, in the frontier territories, the foodscape is initially formed as a hybrid phenomenon, emerging from new food resources and new approaches to its processing and consumption.
The article analyzes two completely different (both in cultural and taxonomic plans) case studies represented by the foodscapes of the Lower Volga (Astrakhan region) and the Republic of Peru. Both landscapes were formed on the basis of similar principles of multiculturality and plurality of natural zones that allowed the population to be involved in agriculture, fishing and cattle breeding.
In the first part of the work, the authors analyze the case with the Astrakhan food system. The authors, basing on various narrative sources, briefly trace the main ways of forming this landscape. By examples of several types of agricultural products, the authors show that the Astrakhan alimentary landscape was characterized by a variety of many unique food products specific to the region. Over time, this specificity was eroding, resulting in the loss of some species, varieties, etc.
The authors also analyze modern cultural processes and express possible options for the further development of this complex socio-cultural phenomenon.
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