The work describes and analyzes the monograph of L.P. Naydenova “The Life of a Russian Man of the 16th-17th Centuries (Faith, Family, Everyday Affairs)”. It was published in 2020. In it, the author considers issues of the inner world of a person, his relationship with loved ones, and his place in the family. Many of the topics have been understudied. In addition, they are difficult to study, since they are associated with family relationships, and with the closed, personal life. The review was written in order to acquaint readers with the research of the author of the monograph, with the identification of peculiarities of the urban lifestyle, which are inherent in the large cities of the Russian state at the turn of the Middle Ages and early Modernity. This knowledge makes it possible to consider the question of criteria of the characteristics of the city during the Middle Ages and late Modernity. This book may be of interest to specialists in the history of the Middle Ages, medieval family and society. It will be useful to urbanists, sociologists, researchers involved in studying everyday life and mentality. The book will be useful to everyone who is interested in the worldview and everyday history of the Russian medieval city and medieval society.
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