The article is devoted to the migration of Udmurts from the Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic to the Kazakh SSR in the 1960s. from the perspective of the frontier concept. The Udmurts are one of the Finno-Ugric peoples, who are also quite large. For a long time, the Udmurts lived relatively compactly, located mainly on the territory of several subjects. The largest part was in Udmurtia, where even in 1959 76.2% of all Udmurts of the Union lived. However, already in 1970 the share had dropped to 68.7%, which was undoubtedly caused by migration. One of the main flows of migrants went to the Kazakh SSR, where virgin lands were actively being developed during this period. In just one intercensus period (from 1959 to 1970), the number of Udmurts in Kazakhstan increased fourfold. Obviously, such an increase in such a short time was ensured by migration.
The purpose of the study is to consider the migration of Udmurts from the Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic to Kazakhstan in the 1960s. The sources of the research were mainly statistical materials: population censuses and current accounting materials. Since 1960, mechanical movement materials began to be compiled also for rural areas, which makes it possible to obtain and use more complete information about migrations. Office documentation was also used.
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