

This article researches how national elites participated in revolutionary processes on the frontier territories of the former Russian Empire, focusing the Bukeev horde, which was the administrative formation of the Astrakhan province. The  establishment of the Soviet power in the territory  inhabited by the Kyrgyz-kaysaks was followed by  great difficulties such as  natural factors -  huge weak-settling territories, in particular, and also historically formed mentality of the Kyrgyz-kaysaks,  created at the times of despotic dominion of khans, denying both any personal opinion of each individual, in particular, and the people in general. The Great October revolution has found the Kyrgyz society not ready to the processes of independent state construction. A part of  Kyrgyz  intellectuals, who had nothing in common with the ideas of the socialism but were aspiring after power,  became the conductors of ideas of the “new authorities”.  In the situation of total shortage of national personnel among Bolsheviks, there appeared vigorous and ambitious figures, who thanks to revolution climbed to the top, but were using "old" methods in their  activity.  M. H. - G. Tungachin , whose career zigzagged from the tsar’s official to the commissar of all the territory during the short period of time was remembered as the follower of former methods in management which had brought the huge moral and material harm to the new power, was one of them.  The practical significance of this article is in the exposure of the national myth about M.H.- G. Tungachin's activity  and the introduction  of the term  "tungachinshchina" – a synonym of the establishing of the revolutionary power by Bolsheviks in the suburbs of the country by the representatives from among small ethnic groups

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