Retraction Guidelines

1. General provisions

1.1. The policy of the “Journal of Frontier Studies” regarding the retraction (withdrawal) of publications is based on the recommendation of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

1.2. The retraction refers to the assignment of the “Retracted / Withdrawn” label to a published article in cases of violations of ethical norms, incorrect data, plagiarism or misleading readers and editors.

1.3. The retraction is a mechanism for correcting published information and alerting readers to publications that contain such serious flaws or erroneous data that cannot be trusted. Inaccurate data may be the result of delusion or deliberate violation.

1.4. The retractions are also used to warn the readers to instances of duplicate publications (that is, when authors submit the same data in multiple publications), plagiarism, and to hide important conflicts of interest that may affect the interpretation of the data or recommendations for its use.

1.5. The purpose of the retraction is to correct the data and ensure its accuracy, not to punish the authors.

1.6. The result of retraction is the confirmation by the editors of the e-journal of the fact that the article contains violations. The authors may disagree with the position of the editors, but this does not negate the editors' right to conduct the procedure.

2. The retraction scheme

2.1. The retraction can be initiated by editors, the authors of the article themselves, as well as by the third parties in the manner prescribed by this regulation on the policy of retraction of published articles.

2.2. The initiators of the retraction should write a formal letter in free form to the Editor-in-Chief of the journal which contains:

- full names of the authors of the letter and their contact details (email);

- output data of the retracted article;

- violations found in this article;

- evidence indicating violations.

The letter must be signed by all persons initiating the retraction and sent by post to the editorial office's address indicated on the publication's website. To speed up the retraction procedure, it is allowed to send a scanned copy to the e-mail indicated on the journal’s website.

2.3. After receiving a letter in accordance with clause 2.2 "Investigation" of the “Statement of Ethics of the e-journal“ (, the editorial board decides to bring up the issue of unethical behavior or any violation. In this case the editorial office notifies the author and the person initiating the retraction procedure about it.

2.4. The decision on the retraction of the published article is made after the editorial office conducts an investigation and reveals actual violations.

2.5. In cases where violations are not confirmed, the editorial staff sends an official response to the authors and persons who initiated the retraction procedure (to the e-mail specified in the official letter), in which the refusal to retraction is justified.

2.6. In cases of confirmation of violations, the editorial board sends an official response to the authors and persons who initiated the retraction procedure (to the e-mail indicated in the official letter), which justifies the reason for the retraction of the published article.

2.7. In case when the author refuses to withdraw the article, the publisher has the right to withdraw the article without his or her consent, since he or she is responsible for the content of the online publication.

3. The retraction results

3.1. The editors draw up an official order signed by the Editor-in-Chief, which reflects the output of the article, the reasons for the retraction, and the date of withdrawal.

3.2. The retraction does not mean the removal of an article from an online publication site and / or from bibliographic databases. The article remains in all of these resources with a clear notice of revocation and the preservation of the digital object identifier [DOI] or other permanent link that identifies its location.

3.3. The results of retraction are reflected in the journal indicating in the title of the journal that this article is withdrawn, listing the reasons for the withdrawal before the annotation, as well as indicating the persons or organizations that initiated it and the date of retraction.

3.4. The text file of the article is replaced by a similar one, but with the indication of the "Retracted" stamp on each page of the file.

3.5. Within 14 (fourteen) days, the editorial office notifies all databases where the journal is indexed about the retraction so that the owners of these databases can enter information about the withdrawal on the pages of this article.