West-Eastern Album Poetics. To the East-West Migration of Small Literary Forms
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Literature Migration Album History Memory Writing Barthes Ugrešić Eastern Europe Western Europe

How to Cite

1. Pelz A. West-Eastern Album Poetics. To the East-West Migration of Small Literary Forms // Journal of Frontier Studies. 2019. № 4.2. C. 331-345.


The article takes up reflections on the porous and holey text surface of literary albums by Dubravka Ugrešić and Roland Barthes and discusses literary writing and poetics, which developed abundantly in literature between West and East after 1945. The reference to real or imagined albums is a strong, connecting element. The common feature lies in the integration of short, interrupted forms to describe a fragile migrant life affected by war, refugee and displacement catastrophes. At a time when migration experiences are omnipresent, interest in family albums results from the experience of loss. It is in the search for words and forms of representation for a Dasein, which can be literarily summarized rather in terms of albums and collections of material than in long novels.

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