The article is devoted to the problem of perception of the correlation of the material and spiritual world on the example of an ethnic outlook. In the society of Evenki the specific world outlook traditions are issued in the form of laws and rules: set of moral laws of Ity and home rules and prohibitions "Odyo".
Essential part of prohibitions is based on rational experience of nomadic life. It concerns traditions of healthy nutrition, relations in family. For example, there are prohibitions for the woman concerning men's wear and accessories to hunting.
Except the prohibitions which had resulted from rationality and practical experience, there is a mass of prohibitions and beliefs which semantic maintenance can be found only in specifics of the Evenki society’s religious traditions. First of all, it concerns the prohibitions and beliefs which are connected to hunting and governed careful attitude to population of animals and to parts of production.
In the Evenki society the traditions which are connected to fire are extremely steady and are treated by Evenki as the living being in a character of a kind old woman. Evenki endowed all the elements with the similar spiritualized entity such as wind, rain, thunderstorm etc.
The ethnic outlook of Evenki is based on the combination of practical historical experience and religious traditions which had developed throughout the long historical time.
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