The article analyzes the problem of the specifics of the quality of life and value orientations of residents of the border Kalevala district of the Republic of Karelia. The retrospective aspect of the study is due to the tragic history of the separation of one people (northern Karelians) in the territory of two neighboring states (Finland and Russia) due to political events and decisions of the past. The historically established isolation (geographical and mental) of Kalevalians is also relevant in modern life. Therefore, the main goal of the study was to determine the degree of influence of socio-cultural factors on the quality of life and axiological dominants of local residents. The analysis of the modern sociocultural situation on the territory of the Kalevala National District was carried out during the complex scientific expedition “Kalevala-2021” and during the cameral processing of the results of field work. In the study a comprehensive methodology of humanities was used, as well as authoritative axiological and psychological methods. As a result of the validation axiological study, specific value dominants of Kalevals were identified, different from the “general cultural profile” of Schwartz, which coincided with the results of a psychological study of “existential fulfillment” and the quality of life of respondents. In sum, the authors of the article identified sociocultural factors that determine the axiological preferences and quality of life of Kalevalians in a modern situation aggravated by pandemic conditions. The article is recommended to specialists in philosophy, cultural studies, sociology and history.
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