The rationale for the study is determined by the fact that there is considerable need to examine the reclamation by Russians of vast territories of Eastern Europe, including the territories of the modern Tambov region. It is an important example of the application of interdisciplinary approaches in historical research. The aim is to develop a concrete historical grounding for the determination of governing factors for the incorporation of the South Russian frontier into Muscovy, which are necessary for a fractal simulation of frontier dynamics. The paper provides an overview of the fractal model of the incorporation of the South Russian frontier into the metropolitan parent state; some simulation results are presented and directions for clarifying the model’s decisive factors are also outlined. A revised version of the model will consider such indicators as quantitative indices of the frontier’s social composition; changes in plowing intensity and a set of crops in particular territories; climate change etc. The article shows another approach aimed at improving the model — an examination of social processes at the micro-level, which is based on the analysis of the history of around 800 settlements located in the territory of the modern Tambov region.
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