The article discusses the culture of wine brewing and wine drinking of the indigenous population that inhabit the most southern part of China – the Hainan Island.
The author suggests that the culture of wine and winemaking in China is the result of a cross-cultural dialogue in which various ethnic and social actors of China took part. Among most colourful of local wine cultures that enriched the world of Chinese wine are those of national minorities inhabiting the most southern territories of China – the Hainan Island
For the ethnical minorities that have been for centuries living on the island wine plays a very important role in their profane, everyday life, private and collective festivities and in their cults and religious ceremonies. Wine culture is closely intertwined with the spiritual life and ethnic self-awareness for the people of Li, Miao, Yi, Tujia and other islanders.
The article gives a brief introduction into the wine brewing technologies, traditional recipes and rituals of wine drinking of the Hainan people. Hainan ethnic minorities still sustain their own rich culture of brewing and drinking alcoholic beverages, the culture which relies heavily on the ecological conditions and natural resources of Hainan Island. The manner in which wine is used by these minority groups emphasises their core values, such as friendship, communal spirit and reverence of their elders and ancestors.
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