The Mapping of the Russian Agrarian Colonization of Siberia XVII
Картографирование русской аграрной колонизации Сибири XVII в.
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Inkscape, Siberia, 17th century, cartography, colonization, agrarian, villages, monasteries, settlements

How to Cite

1. Соколовский И. The Mapping of the Russian Agrarian Colonization of Siberia XVII // Journal of Frontier Studies. 2019. № 1. C. 43-56.


The article discusses the problem of mapping Russian agrarian coloanization of Siberia in the XVII century. For this purpose, the article reviews the attempts of mapping of rural settlements of the XVII century, which were made in the period 1947 -2010

By the end of the XVIII century the Russian population in Siberia was formed. This population was distributed extremely unevenly, concentrating mainly in several districts (uezds) of Western Siberia. This situation was directly related to agrarian colonization.

When the study of this process began, scholars drew several maps of the XVII century Russian agrarian colonization of Siberia. The most detailed map, with more than 200 settlements, was compiled by V.N. Sherstoboev for Ilimsk district (uezd).

V. N. Shunkov made maps for all five agrarian regions of Siberia. Best of all, he mapped the most populous in the XVII century region: Tobolsk and Verkhotur’e. This area remained the most important throughout the XVII century.

In the book written by V.A. Aleksandrov, a very detailed map of populated areas of the Yenisei agricultural region was given, which does not coincide with the data of V.N. Shunkov.

In 1999, a map compiled in the first half of the XX century using two sources from the beginning of the XVIII century of settlements around the city of Kuznetsk was published.

All areas except Ilimsk are mapped poorly, so our attempt to draw a map of agrarian colonization is only preliminary and is more a question than an answer.
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