The Caucasian subject holds a specific place in the history of Russia. Many bright and tragic pages of history of our State are connected with the Caucasus. The Russian presence in this region was designated in the second half of the 16th century. At the same time in the Caucasus during the 16-17th centuries it is possible to speak about any borders of Russia very conditionally as borders weren't designated on maps and the more so on the area. Delimitation in a format of recognition by the adjacent countries of certain territories as spheres of influence of this or that state is characteristic of this period of time in relation to the Caucasus. It could be possession of any feudal lord who has entered citizenship which territory became a part of the state and her external boundary was border of already whole country. At the same time not always the central authorities sought to record these borders, and their protection was actually destiny of the local feudal nobility. In case the feudal lord left citizenship, and for this purpose it wasn't obligatory to do it in writing, was actually to cease to meet conditions of contracts (shertny diplomas) enough, then and the territory controlled by him stopped being a part of the state though the central power could continue to consider such possession of the sphere of the influence by inertia. It wasn't necessary to rely in such cases on the fact that the border is locked. Even presence of strong points in the form of fortresses and ostrogs (small forts) didn't guarantee complete control over a situation around the Russian border in the Caucasus. Penetration through it was ordinary business. Similar collisions concerning borders in the Caucasus have brought in the middle of the 17th century to the serious conflict between Russia and Persia.
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