The Polish movement of national liberation is one of the characteristic features of the history of the Russian Empire in the nineteenth century. Tsarism reacted harshly to the uprising in Poland in 1830–1831 and the January Uprising of 1863–64. Plenty of participants were exiled under police supervision to the inner provinces of European Russia and Siberia. Correspondence became the main channel of communication for the exiles and their loved ones. Additional rules were developed at the end of 1863 in order to strengthen control over the exiled Poles, which included perlustration of postal and telegraphic correspondence by the provincial and county authorities. The purpose of the study is to analyze the extracts and copies of the letters of Polish exiles which are preserved in the State Archive of the Novgorod region and deal with the Siberian theme. The detected documents contain information that makes it possible to reconstruct certain aspects of the daily life of Poles on the way to the exile location and in the new place of their residence, to describe the moods of the exiles and their attitudes towards the events of national and local significance as well as to present individual plots of family history. The article is intended for those interested in genealogy, the history of Polonia in Russia, perlustration in the Russian Empire and the daily life of exiles.
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