Development of network frontier is a result of collective collaboration, the role of digital era innovators in the process of network space expansion is also interpreted in the article. Author describes three types of network frontier heroes – pioneers, settlers and entrepreneurs, acting on the different stages of frontier zone colonization. Staging of network frontier development correlates with network heroes classification. Typology of network frontiersmen is done according with the role of heroes in the process of network frontier development, creation of network reality, formation of virtual communities. Pioneers probed frontier, developed its base principles and technology infrastructure. Settlers founded colonies, promoted new on-line services. Entrepreneurs invested in network frontier settlements, digital startups. It is shown, that the majority of network heroes have an interest to technical science, programming and art. Modern heroes of network frontier are represented in the images of settlers and entrepreneurs, that introduced new digital technologies, founded new social networks, network trade and managed to develop profitable business. Biographies, success stories of different frontier heroes from various countries (The USA, China, Russia): Jack Ma, Mark Zuckerberg, Anton Nossik and Eugene Kaspersky are described in the article. The emerging of new network frontiersmen is conditioned by dynamism of digital world.
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