The article discusses the problem of the usage of vector graphics software ‘Inkscape’ to overcome the stereotypes, which were formed by previous historians during the mapping of the eastward territorial expansion of the XVII century Moscow tsardom.
A team of researchers in the Institute of History of Russian Academy is preparing for publication catalog cards with the data on XVII century Russian servicemen in Siberia, collected by Dr. Y. Rezun. Dr. Rezun during his lifetime published two small monographs that shed light on the process of Russian conquest of Siberia and the expansion of its borders. The publication of these catalog cards will give researchers a powerful incentive to once again see this complex and ambiguous process, especially in its human dimension.
Expanding our understanding of Russian colonization of Siberia will require its own cartographic tools. The existing scientific and popular maps of Siberia reflect the canon that was formed in the pre-computer era. When historical cartography was just being formed, the technique of high printing dominated everywhere, while relatively cheap color illustrations could be obtained only by the use of lithographic stone. Hence the map-makers tried to staff as much information as possible into one map. We believe that in order to make the maps more informative, it is necessary to make various maps, that would reflect the processes of colonization in more detail. Currently, the research group has technical means for this in the form of free vector graphics software.
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