The article tells about the appearance and distribution of the sect, or, more precisely, the confessional group of Molokans in the Astrakhan province. Molokan settlements are widespread in many countries of the world, in Russia Molokanism is traditionally localized in the South, in the Rostov, Stavropol, Saratov, Volgograd and Astrakhan regions. In the Astrakhan province, the Molokans appeared at the end of the XVIII century, attracted by a positive response about this territory of the founder of the sect, S.M. The glue. Molokans are considered the first sectarians in the province, in addition, they were the most mass sect in the region. Since the end of the 1840s, the province was opposed to the Molokan sect, initially by priests, deaneries, and then by members of the specially created Orthodox missionary Kirillo-Methodius brotherhood.
Виртуальная архивная выставка «Астраханские губернаторы». (2011). Агентство по делам архивов Астраханской области. Retrieved from https://archive.astrobl.ru/special/node/473.
Костомаров, Н. И. (1869). Воспоминания о молоканах. Отечественные записки, 3, стр. 57-78.
Саввинский, И. (2002). Очерки истории Астраханской епархии с 1602 по 1902 гг.. Ростов н/Д: Изд-во «Фолиант».

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