No 3 (2017)
Journal of Frontier Studies

The third issue of the Journal of Frontier Studies for 2017.

Russian Frontier

Мария Владимировна Черник (Author)
Transgression of Kalmyks of the Astrakhan province in the Lower Volga frontier
pdf (Русский)
Наталья Сергеевна Канатьева (Author)
Molokan settlements of the XIX century in the Astrakhan province
pdf (Русский)
Эвелина Османовна Расина (Author)
Woman at the frontier of the Lower Volga region
pdf (Русский)

Frontier Abroad

Сергей Николаевич Якушенков (Author)
Semantic diversity of images of the Indian in New England in the XVIII century
pdf (Русский)